Painting Money - How to make an income from your art


I have had people asking me for a while now to put together information on how to create income from your art based on my own experiences. After holding my first two successful business marketing workshops I have now released an ebook that is full of all the information that people are constantly asking me for.  

I’ll be honest, there is no secret word or magic formula in this ebook that will guarantee success as an artist. As with everything in life, there is no easy quick-fix solution. Instead this ebook contains the steps that I believe you need to take in order to set yourself up as a working artist and to help increase your chances of making you art profitable. 

Topics include: 

  • Are you ready to become a pro?

  • What makes your art different from others?

  • How to create good art practice habits

  • How to edit and work in a collection

  • How to find your target market

  • How to write an Artist statement

  • How to use social media to find and build an audience

  • how to approach galleries and retail partners

  • How to photograph and present your art in the best way

    plus much more.  




If you are an artist and you have the desire to turn your hobby in to a full time income then you will find the information in this ebook incredibly helpful. I wish I had found something like this when I was starting out. Although I am based in Australia, the information can be used by anyone anywhere in the world. Many of the sales avenues I mention are online and not country specific so you should have no problems implementing them wherever you happen to live.  


You can read more details and purchase a copy of Painting Money by following this link to my website: Painting Money Ebook  

Clair Bremner1 Comment